
Augmented Reality

A couple embracing each other in their wedding ceremony.

5 Kelebihan Augmented Reality untuk Pembuatan Undangan Pernikahan!

To complete your special moment, you’re probably expecting an equally special wedding invitation. One thing you can do is to create a digital wedding invitation. Augmented Reality (AR) has become a technology you can use to create digital wedding invitations. With Augmented Reality, you can add interactivity that makes your wedding invitation more appealing and […]

5 Kelebihan Augmented Reality untuk Pembuatan Undangan Pernikahan! Read More »

Real estate agent showing a house to people wearing virtual reality goggles.

Apa Saja Perbedaan Augmented Reality dan Virtual Reality dalam Pemasaran Properti?

Versi bahasa Indonesia ditulis oleh Habibah Auni.

Ingin meningkatkan penjualan properti menggunakan strategi pemasaran konten yang super unik dan inovatif seperti augmented reality (AR) atau virtual reality (VR), tetapi bingung mau memilih yang mana di antara keduanya?

Apa Saja Perbedaan Augmented Reality dan Virtual Reality dalam Pemasaran Properti? Read More »

Menyelidiki Masa Depan Real Estat: Mengapa Buyers and Developers Perlu Mempertimbangkan Visualisasi VR 360 dan AR

Investigating the Future of Real Estate: Why Buyers and Developers Need to Consider VR 360 and AR Visualizations Introduction: Unveiling the Transformative Potential of VR 360 and AR Visualizations in Real Estate With virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) visualizations becoming more and more powerful, the real estate sector is poised for a technological

Menyelidiki Masa Depan Real Estat: Mengapa Buyers and Developers Perlu Mempertimbangkan Visualisasi VR 360 dan AR Read More »

Pengaruh Mixed Reality Terhadap Distribusi Furniture dan Pentingnya InReality Solutions untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan

Introduction Mixed Reality (MR) is reshaping the furniture distribution landscape, offering immersive experiences that bridge the gap between the virtual and physical worlds. Mixed Reality in Furniture Sales have some key advantages here are [1] :  Enhanced Product Visualization Reduced Returns Increase Sales Improve Customer Engagement Cost Savings Competitive Edge Personalization Enhancing Furniture Distribution with

Pengaruh Mixed Reality Terhadap Distribusi Furniture dan Pentingnya InReality Solutions untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Read More »
