Pemerintah Tunda Kenaikan Pajak Hiburan: Kelegaan Bagi Pengusaha dan Daerah.

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Government Postpones Entertainment Tax Hike: In a significant move, the government has decided to postpone the proposed 40-75% entertainment tax hike. This decision, aimed at allowing further review and finding common ground with stakeholders, comes in response to the public uproar caused by the proposed increase. The government plans to engage with entertainment business owners, tourism associations, and regional governments to negotiate a tax rate that aligns with the economic and social conditions in each region. The postponement has been well-received by business owners and regions, appreciating the government’s responsive and communicative approach. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story [1].

Reason for Government Postpones Entertainment Tax Hike

The government decided to postpone the tax hike, allowing for further review and seeking common ground with stakeholders. This decision came as a reaction to the uproar sparked by the proposed increase.

Amid this controversy, the government took the final decision to delay the implementation of the 40-75% entertainment tax increase. Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, argued that this delay was necessary. It would give the government time to review the situation and negotiate an agreement with stakeholders. Moreover, he elaborated on the government’s plan to invite entertainment business owners, tourism associations, and regional governments. The aim is to discuss and agree on a tax rate that aligns with the economic and social conditions in each region. Furthermore, they will consider factors such as people’s purchasing power, business competitiveness, and environmental impact.

Luhut remains optimistic that they can resolve this issue within six months. He anticipates that the outcome will satisfy all parties involved and will not disrupt the investment and tourism climate in Indonesia. Finally, business owners and regions have welcomed the decision to postpone the 40-75% entertainment tax increase. They expressed their appreciation for the government’s responsive and communicative approach in handling this issue [1].

Dampak terhadap Pengusaha Daerah

Keputusan untuk menunda kenaikan pajak hiburan sebesar 40-75% diterima dengan baik oleh pemilik usaha dan daerah. Mereka mengapresiasi pendekatan pemerintah yang responsif dan komunikatif dalam menangani permasalahan ini [2].

Peran InReality Solutions

InReality Solutions, sebuah perusahaan pemasaran digital dan pembuatan konten, menyediakan solusi AR/VR/MR menyeluruh. Solusi ini dapat membantu bisnis menghadapi perubahan seperti kenaikan pajak hiburan. Dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan augmented reality dan virtual reality, InReality Solutions membantu bisnis menyajikan, mengkomunikasikan, dan memasarkan barang dan jasa mereka dengan cara yang sangat menarik. [3].

Tanggapan Sebelum Penundaan Kenaikan Pajak Hiburan: Pandangan Inul Daratista, Hotman Paris Hutapea, dan Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno

  1. Inul Daratista, penyanyi sekaligus pemilik usaha karaoke, mengaku lega dengan keputusan pemerintah yang menunda kenaikan pajak. Ia berharap pemerintah dapat memberikan solusi yang adil dan bijaksana bagi para pelaku usaha hiburan [4]
  2. Hotman Paris Hutapea, seorang pengacara sekaligus pemilik bar, pun merespons kebijakan kenaikan tarif pajak hiburan. Ia mengatakan kenaikan tarif PBJT dapat mengancam kelangsungan industri pariwisata di Indonesia [5].
  3. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, the Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, responded to protests over the hike in the entertainment tax to 40-75 percent as regulated in Law No. 1 of 2022. He reassured that the recent increase in the entertainment tax rates for service providers will not adversely affect the tourism sector [6].


Keputusan pemerintah menunda kenaikan pajak hiburan disambut baik oleh pengusaha dan daerah. Saat mereka menavigasi perubahan ini, platform seperti InReality Solutions dapat memberikan dukungan berharga melalui solusi AR inovatif mereka. 

Daftar Pustaka :

[1] Mediatama, G. (2024). Luhut : Government Will Postpone Implementation of 40%-75% Entertainment Tax. Link.

[2] The Jakarta Post. (n.d.). Entertainment tax hike could spur illegal activity, industry warns – Regulations. Link

[3] Home. (2023).

[4] Riantrisnanto, R. (2024). Hotman Paris Tanggapi Keluhan Inul Daratista Soal Isu Kenaikan Pajak Tempat Hiburan Menjadi 40-75 Persen, Sorot Nasib Para Karyawan. Link

[5] Rezy, F. (2024). The Increase In Entertainment Tax Tariffs Was Protested By Inul Daratista And Hotman Paris, Here Are The Rules. Link

[6] Muthiariny, D. E. (2024). Sandiaga Uno Reacts to Protest over Entertainment Tax Hike of up to 75%. Link
