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Augmented Reality – The Future of Marketing in Indonesia

The Future of Marketing in Indonesia: How Augmented Reality is Revolutionizing the Way Brands Engage with Customers Introduction Indonesia, which has a population of nearly 270 million, is a market that is expanding quickly. Businesses in Indonesia are seeking for fresh ways to interact with clients and increase sales as a result of the development

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Keunggulan Augmented Reality (AR) dalam Periklanan

Keunggulan Augmented Reality (AR) dalam Periklanan

The field of advertising is being quickly revolutionized by augmented reality (AR). AR is a digital technology that gives consumers a mixed reality experience by superimposing virtual content over the actual world. Compared to conventional advertising methods, augmented reality (AR) has a number of benefits, such as the capacity to promote brand loyalty, consumer experience,

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Semakin Populernya AR dalam Pemasaran

Semakin Populernya AR dalam Pemasaran

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that is transforming the way that businesses approach advertising. In recent years, the popularity of AR in marketing has exploded, with more and more companies recognizing its potential to drive engagement and build brand loyalty. In this article, we will explore the growing importance of AR in advertising, examples

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