
Tiga Perusahaan Terkenal Menggunakan AR dalam Barang Botolnya.​

Three Well-Known Companies Are Using AR in Their Bottled Goods. Top brands all around the world have started adopting augmented reality (AR) technology in recent years. They make use of it to give their customers fascinating and distinctive experiences. The bottle with a hook is one item that frequently makes use of AR technology. We’ll […]

Tiga Perusahaan Terkenal Menggunakan AR dalam Barang Botolnya.​ Read More »

Augmented Reality Untuk Produk Botol

Augmented Reality For Bottle Products The term “augmented reality” (AR) refers to a technology that utilizes electronic gadgets like smartphones, tablets, or AR glasses to merge the physical and digital worlds. In augmented reality, virtual features that are integrated into a real environment are projected onto real-world items. Through the use of technology, individuals can

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