A young couple using virtual reality goggles

5 Benefits of Augmented Reality in Real Estate Marketing

Will the sales in your real estate truly increase with augmented reality? Is it true that augmented reality can display a clear visualization of your properties, allowing clients to make their decision faster?

If you’re currently wondering about those things and looking for an answer, you’re in the right place!

In this article, we’ll explain the benefits of using augmented reality in real estate marketing to boost your sales.

Let’s get into it! 

What Are The Benefits of Augmented Reality, Really?

It Allows Clients to Easily View the Property Without the Hassle of Visiting In-Person

You’re probably wondering how augmented reality does this. Let us explain it to you. If you market your real estate with augmented reality, you’ll have a digital product, be it a virtual tour of the property, information on the construction materials, and more.

Since it’s digital, your clients will be able to access your real estate from their gadgets, like cell phones or laptops. From there, they’re going to see the marketing products you’ve prepared for your properties.

So, how can this method benefit you? Your clients will be able to comfortably view properties from home, without having to travel long distances. As a result, you’ll save more time and energy.

Interesting, right?

Expanding Your Market to Multiple Regions Has Never Been Easier

This benefit is associated with how AR marketing methods allow your clients to view your properties without traveling in person.

Indeed, since AR provides a platform for clients to view the properties realistically from afar, you can use this opportunity to expand your market in multiple regions.

To implement this strategy, you only need to share the AR content of your properties in advertising channels, such as social media or websites. Next, people from other regions will be able to view your properties easily.

Therefore, you’ll be able to reach new markets effortlessly without having to travel to other regions. In particular, a survey from wifitalents showed that augmented reality has helped developers gain 48% of interest from clients that live remotely from their properties.

Obtain Information from the Integration of Augmented Reality and QR Codes 

Picture this: you’ve set up a billboard somewhere. One day, a potential buyer is interested in your property and wants to know more about it. 

Unfortunately, the potential buyer faces many hurdles to obtain information, like the property being far from where they live or your customer service team being busy, making them losing interest. Wouldn’t that be a shame?

This problem is solvable with an integration of AR and QR codes for real estate marketing. You can process the AR content with complete information of the property into a QR code format.

Next, display the QR code along with the billboard. This way, every time someone is interested, they can just scan the QR code from their phones.

Then, they’ll swiftly receive detailed information on the property, complete with a realistic visualization that also helps them to inspect all the details.

Without having to wait long times or travel, all your clients need to do is to scan a QR code. Easy, right?

Spend Less to Stand Out More

If you’re still using traditional marketing without involving technologies like augmented reality, how much are you spending?

For instance, to market with a billboard, you may have to print flyers to hand out more information due to the billboard’s limited space. 

We all know that renting a billboard is costly. Add printing flyers to the invoice, and you’re already spending twice as much.

Conversely, when you use AR, you only need to spend for billboard renting. For the property details, you can display a QR code on the billboard, just like we explained earlier. It definitely saves your budget, right?

According to rodedwards, using AR for real estate marketing can save your spending and energy up to 40%. So, it’s safe to say that you can save your resources from using AR!

Even though you’ll spend less, you’ll still get maximum results, like a stronger competitive value. According to digitalintheround, 54% of people who look for properties aren’t interested in properties that don’t use AR due to perceived lack of efficacy.

With these statistics in mind, you can implement AR to market more efficiently and strengthen the competitive value of your business.

Aid Clients in Making Their Purchase Decisions

With realistic visualization that displays the details on your properties, AR can help your clients in making their decisions faster. In particular, AR can easily be accessed from cell phones. Consequently, clients can effortlessly compare the properties they want.

A report from smartviewmedia confirmed this, with statistics showing 75% of buyers agree that AR implementation is a vital factor in their purchasing decision.

Indirectly, when your clients make their decisions faster, both you and your clients save your time and energy.

So, Is Augmented Reality the Right Marketing Tool?

Definitely! With its benefits, AR is the right marketing tool for your real estate business. Especially considering how AR helps your clients view your properties without traveling onsite.

Besides, providing your clients with ease and comfort is a great way to increase their satisfaction, right?

Additionally, it would be a shame to miss out on AR’s capability to cut corners on your spending.

Just imagine how you could gain maximum results while also spending less, as well as increasing your competitive value. The possibilities are endless!

So, how is it? Want to implement AR as a real estate marketing tool?

Let’s Collaborate with InReality to Boost Your Profit!

Seeing how beneficial AR is for real estate marketing, AR implementation is not to be missed.

Therefore, as an augmented reality vendor, InReality is more than willing to accompany you in making the best out of AR for real estate marketing! 

We have experience in Unity, iOS, Android, UI/UX Designers, 3D artists, animators, 360° photography, virtual tours, and completing 125 projects in the last two years.

This makes us the perfect partner in helping you gain better sales!

Call us now to book a consultation and start implementing AR to your heart’s desire! 

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